Wuxi Accobio Biotech Inc.
Name:Wuxi Accobio Biotech Inc.
Products detail
Product Name: Red yeast rice powder
CAS No: 75330-75-5
Product Type: Herbal Plant Extract
Product spec: Monacolin K 1.5%; 3.0%
Packing: 1KG/Aluminium foil bag, 5 bags in a carton
Post Time: 2014-09-30
Description: Function: 1. Decrease LDL cholesterol and rise HDL cholesterol without side effects, and inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver by inhibiting the action of HMG-CoA reductase which is known to raise cholesterol levels to keep cholesterol levels in check. 2. Support healthy blood pressure levels, balance blood sugar, lower serum lipid levels, improve blood circulation, and promote cardiovascular health; 3. Promote healthy spleen and stomach function; 4. Benefit for bone health and function; 5. Improve digestion, promote normal cell growth, and slow down the aging process.
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